Best Dogs for Walking

Best Dogs for Walking: Choosing The Right Campanion

Best Dogs for Walking

Taking a stroll with your canine companion offers both health benefits and happiness. Discover the best dogs for walking partner through this outdoor adventure guide, suitable for anything from relaxed walks to mountain treks, ensuring unforgettable moments together.

Understanding the Needs of Walking Dogs

Dogs, by their very nature, are creatures of movement and exploration. Regular walks offer them the necessary outlets to expend their built-up energy, explore new scents, and engage with the environment – a crucial component of their mental and physical health. However, not all dogs have the same needs; some, often those of particular breeds, require significantly more exercise to stay content and prevent behavioral issues rooted in boredom and under-stimulation.

Walking your dog is thus a fine balance between respecting their individual needs and catering to the requirements inherent in their breed. Understanding the specific needs of your dog is the first step to establishing an enjoyable walking routine that keeps both you and your four-legged friend in good spirits.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Walking Companion

Selecting the perfect dog for walking is a decision that should be made with careful consideration. Several key factors can influence how well a dog will adapt to a walking lifestyle, including size, energy levels, temperament, and breed-specific characteristics. We’ll break down these factors to equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Size and Energy Level

Size and energy levels are perhaps the most obvious factors to consider. Large, high-energy breeds may need several hours of exercise per day, including walks that span miles. On the other hand, smaller or less active breeds may only require shorter, less strenuous walks. It’s crucial to match your dog’s energy to yours – a mismatch can lead to an unfulfilled dog or an overtaxed owner.

Temperament and Personality

A dog’s temperament is a strong indicator of its suitability as a walking companion. Some dogs, such as the Golden Retriever, are renowned for their affable nature and are generally well-suited to social, bustling walking environments. However, more aloof or territorial breeds may prefer quieter, more habitual walking paths.

Exercise Needs and Lifestyle Compatibility

Taking on a walking dog is akin to adopting a new lifestyle, and ensuring that lifestyle is compatible with your own is vital. If you’re an avid runner, a dog with endurance like a Siberian Husky might be ideal. If you lean more towards moderate activities, a breed with intermediate energy levels, such as a Cocker Spaniel, could be the perfect fit.

Top Breeds for Walking

Now, we move on to the cream of the canine crop – those breeds which consistently rank among the best for walking. These breeds have proven their worth as loyal, energetic, and adaptable walking companions through generations of outdoor enthusiasts.

Labrador Retriever

labrador retriever dog

The Labrador Retriever is a quintessential walking dog, renowned for its friendly demeanor, high energy levels, and an almost unmatched enthusiasm for the great outdoors. Labradors are adaptable and can thrive in rural or urban settings, making them a popular choice for anyone who loves to walk.



Beagles are small, yet sturdy dogs with a curious and amiable demeanor. Known for their keen sense of smell, they enjoy sniffing out the various odors the wind carries, which can lead to many enriching walks. They do, however, need proper leash training due to their tendency to follow their noses rather than their owners.

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired

Strong and muscular, the German Shorthaired Pointer is a vigilant walking companion with an unyielding thirst for exercise. Their medium to large size and athletic build make them perfect for long, active walks. This breed also thrives on mental challenges and often excels in activities such as obedience or agility.

Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are famed for their endurance and are capable of walking long distances without tiring. Their thick fur enables them to withstand harsh climates, and they are undeterred by inclement weather. Given their history as sled dogs, they are more than equipped for lengthy strolls and hikes.


Vizsla dog for walking

Vizslas are highly active, affectionate dogs that thrive on human companionship. They need copious amounts of exercise and are known to be excellent runners. If walking is part of your daily routine, a Vizsla will eagerly accompany you, providing unbridled energy and affection along the way.

Lesser-Known Breeds for Walking

Not all the best walking companions are household names. Sometimes, the best fit for your walking lifestyle can be a lesser-known breed – equally capable, but perhaps less celebrated.

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is a hardworking, intelligent breed that excels at various activities, including walking. Their herding background requires that any walk you take with them includes a job, be it carrying a backpack or navigating an agility course.


Brittany walking dog

Brittanys are high-energy, eager-to-please dogs with a predisposition for exploration. Their hunting instincts make them the perfect match for owners who enjoy long walks in the countryside, with the option for them to run off-leash in safe areas. Brittanys would also be your rat hunter.

Border Collie

Border Collie

Border Collies are working dogs known for their intelligence, agility, and energy. A Border Collie as a walking partner can be rewarding, particularly if you’re interested in obedience or agility training. Regular walks also help channel their high intellect and prevent boredom-related behaviors.

Tips for Enjoyable Walks With Your Dog

While picking the right breed sets the foundation, it’s the small actions that add up to make each walk enjoyable for both you and your dog. Here are several tips to optimize your walking experience:

Leash and Collar Selection

Choosing the right leash and collar can affect comfort and control. A sturdy, well-fitted collar paired with a non-retractable leash offers the best control, particularly for training purposes.

Leash Training and Loose Leash Walking

Proper walking etiquette, including loose leash walking, is crucial for a positive experience. Consistent training and reinforcement can make walks a breeze rather than a tug-of-war.

Safety Precautions and Walking Etiquette

Always put your dog’s safety first by ensuring they’re protected from traffic and other hazards. Follow local leash laws and respect other walkers by keeping your dog under control.

Health Benefits of Dog Walking

The physical and mental health benefits of regular dog walking are well-documented. For the dog, these benefits include weight management, cardiovascular fitness, stronger muscles, and improved joint health. In turn, the owner can also enjoy a more active lifestyle, leading to reductions in stress, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

Direct Breed Comparisons

For those still undecided, here’s a snapshot of how popular walking dog breeds compare across different lifestyles. From energy levels to grooming requirements, this side-by-side comparison can serve as a useful guide to narrow down your choices.


Selecting the best dog for walking is a deeply personal decision that depends on your lifestyle, preferences, and activity levels. By considering the factors outlined in this guide, you can make an informed choice that will lead to countless happy miles walked together. Remember, the best dog for walking is one who not only matches your pace but also your heart.

Walk with purpose, stride in good company, and savor the joy of the bond you forge with your four-legged friend with every step you take. Whether on a city street or a forest trail, the right dog for walking will turn every outing into a cherished memory.


Try varying your walking routes to make them more interesting or incorporate games and toys during the walk. Some dogs may also respond well to walking with other dogs as companions. If disinterest persists, consult a vet to rule out any underlying health issues

The duration and intensity of walks depend on the breed, age, and health of the dog. Generally, most dogs benefit from 30 minutes to 2 hours of walking a day, spread over one or more walks. Always adjust according to your dog’s needs and energy levels.

Puppies have different exercise needs and can be more prone to overexertion. It’s often recommended to follow the “five-minute rule,” providing five minutes of exercise per month of age, up to twice a day. Consult with a veterinarian for guidance tailored to your puppy’s breed and health.

Early morning or late evening walks are generally preferable, especially during hot weather, to avoid the midday heat which can be uncomfortable— and even dangerous—for your dog. In colder climates, midday walks might be more appropriate to take advantage of warmer temperatures.

Walking your dog off-leash is acceptable in designated areas and if your dog demonstrates reliable recall and is well-behaved around other dogs and people. Always follow local laws and regulations regarding leash use and consider the safety of your dog and others.

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