do bernese mountain dogs drool

Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Drool? Pet Owner’s Review

do bernese mountain dogs drool

Bernese Mountain Dogs are recognized for their drooling tendencies, attributed to their sizable jowls and loose lips, which are distinctive features contributing to their drooling behavior. So, this answers do Bernese mountain dogs drool or not?

From understanding the normal parameters of dog drool to managing excessive saliva, you’ll find everything you need to know about this aspect of your four-legged friend’s behavior. Whether you’re considering bringing a Bernese Mountain Dog into your home or are already the proud companion of one, this guide will equip you to handle drooling with expertise and care.

Understanding Bernese Mountain Dogs

Before we tackle the question of drooling, it’s imperative to understand the breed itself. Bernese Mountain Dogs, or Berners as they’re affectionately called, are renowned for their affable and sociable demeanor. Originating from the Swiss Alps, they have been historically valued as farm dogs, excelling in draft work, herding, and guarding.

Despite their imposing size, Berners are known for their gentle and patient temperament, making them excellent family dogs. However, their large, jowly faces hint at a potential for drooling that we’ll explore in further detail.

Normal Salivation in Dogs

Salivating, or drooling, is a natural and necessary part of dog behavior. It keeps the mouth moist, aids in the digestion process, and can be triggered by excitement, anticipation of food, or even just warm weather. There are also dog breeds that do not drool too much.

Owners of dog breeds with loose, floppy lips, like the Bernese Mountain Dog, are often familiar with their pet’s propensity to generate more drool than others. While this might raise concern, it’s generally not a problem and is considered a normal aspect of owning such a breed.

Salivation in Bernese Dog

Factors Influencing Drooling

Several factors contribute to drooling in Bernese Mountain Dogs and can help to distinguish between ‘normal’ drooling and when it becomes a concern. These factors include:

Breed-Specific Characteristics

Bernese Mountain Dogs, known for their strong jaw and large mouth, exhibit a tendency for drooling due to their anatomy. The loose flews and dewlaps, the skin under the neck, contribute to a higher likelihood of saliva escaping, especially during moments of relaxation. This natural trait highlights the importance of managing drooling in these gentle giants.

Health Conditions

Certain illnesses or injuries affecting the mouth, throat, or digestive system can trigger excessive drooling. In response to these issues, the body may increase saliva production as a natural self-cleaning and healing mechanism. Conditions such as dental disease, obstructions in the mouth, or neurological disorders can contribute to heightened drooling. It is crucial to distinguish between regular drooling and excessive drooling, especially when it is accompanied by other concerning symptoms that warrant attention and care.

Bernese Dog Drooling

Common Misconceptions

A common misconception is that all Bernese Mountain Dogs are heavy droolers. While breed tendencies certainly play a role, not every dog will drool to the same degree. The stereotype can be skewed by anecdotal evidence, leading to untrue generalizations about the entire breed.

Addressing Stereotypes

It is crucial to address breed stereotypes and acknowledge the unique characteristics of each dog. While some may associate Bernese Mountain Dogs with excessive drooling, it is important to remember that not all Berners exhibit this behavior. Taking the time to understand these nuances can be beneficial in establishing realistic expectations when welcoming a furry companion into your life.

Lifestyle Implications

The level of drooling in dogs can also be affected by various factors, including their lifestyle and environment. Dogs that lead active lives and maintain a healthy lifestyle might tend to drool less compared to those that are more sedentary. Additionally, external factors like temperature and diet can also influence the amount of drool a dog generates, highlighting the intricate interplay between a dog’s habits and its drooling tendencies.

The Truth About Drooling in Bernese Mountain Dogs

Do All Berners Drool?

Yes, Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their affectionate nature and stunning tri-color coat. While they are prone to drooling, the extent of drooling can differ from one Bernese to another.

Bernese Dog with Bone

Factors That Can Increase Drooling

While not every Bernese Mountain Dog will drool excessively, certain factors can exacerbate this behavior. For example, hot weather conditions may trigger increased salivation, as well as vigorous exercise sessions. Additionally, the mere anticipation of food or attention can also lead to heightened drooling in some Berners.

When to Be Concerned

If you notice that your Bernese Mountain Dog is drooling more than usual, particularly if you observe it alongside symptoms like increased lethargy, alterations in appetite, or any signs of discomfort or pain, then it’s crucial to promptly seek advice from a qualified veterinarian to ensure your dog’s health and well-being are properly addressed.

Managing Drooling in Bernese Mountain Dogs

Regular Grooming

Regular grooming, which involves cleaning not only the face and mouth but also gently wiping the jowls, is crucial in managing drool and preventing the accumulation of saliva. By paying attention to these areas, you can also reduce the risk of skin irritation and the formation of what is commonly known as ‘drool rash.’ Taking these steps regularly can help maintain your pet’s comfort and overall well-being.

Cleaning after Dog's Drool

Appropriate Feeding

Feeding your Bernese Mountain Dog a balanced diet that is specifically tailored to reduce the likelihood of allergies can contribute to minimizing messy eating habits, which in turn may help reduce the incidence of drooling in this beloved breed.

Dental Hygiene

Maintaining good dental hygiene is crucial for preventing excessive drooling in dogs. It’s not just about the aesthetics but also the overall health benefits. By ensuring regular brushing and scheduling professional cleanings as needed, you can effectively remove plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of dental diseases and bad breath. This proactive approach to your dog’s oral care can lead to a happier and healthier furry friend in the long run.

Signs of Excessive Drooling

Identifying Abnormal Drooling

Signs of abnormal drooling in pets can be easily noticeable – look out for pools of saliva, wet fur, or a continuous drip from the mouth. It’s important to pay attention to drooling that seems to have no clear reason behind it, as it might signal an underlying issue that needs to be addressed promptly. Your furry friend’s health and well-being should always be a top priority.

Behavioral and Physical Cues

Excessive drooling in pets can also manifest alongside alterations in behavior. Watch out for signs like sudden reluctance to eat or play, in addition to physical symptoms such as inflamed gums, swelling within the oral cavity, or challenges in swallowing.

do bernese mountain dogs drool

When to Seek Veterinary Attention

Prompt Action

If you’re unsure about the level of drooling in your Bernese Mountain Dog, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and seek veterinary advice. Excessive drooling can sometimes indicate issues like dental problems, heat stress, excitement, or certain health conditions. A veterinarian can assess the situation and provide guidance on whether the drooling is typical for your dog or if it warrants further investigation. Your pet’s well-being is of utmost importance, so don’t hesitate to reach out for professional assistance if you have any concerns about your furry friend’s health..


Understanding drooling in Bernese Mountain Dogs involves separating fact from fiction and recognizing individual differences within the breed. Drooling, while a common and generally harmless behavior, can sometimes signal a problem that requires attention. By staying informed and vigilant, Bernese Mountain Dog owners can provide the best care and support for their beloved pets.

Remember, drooling is just one aspect of a dog’s behavior, and with care, training, and a healthy lifestyle, you can manage it effectively. Each drooling encounter is an opportunity to connect with your Berner and appreciate the joy they bring to your life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, it’s quite common for Bernese Mountain Dogs to drool more than usual after drinking water. Their loose lips can cause water to spill out, mixed with saliva, creating the appearance of excessive drooling.

Indeed, certain foods, especially those with strong smells or flavors, can stimulate saliva production and lead to more drooling. Foods that are particularly juicy or chewy might also cause an increase in drooling.

While it’s challenging to completely stop a natural reaction, you can minimize drooling by keeping your dog calm during meal times and avoiding overly excitable greetings that can lead to excitement-induced drooling. Training your dog to sit calmly before meals can help manage their anticipation and related drooling.

Drooling does not necessarily indicate happiness. While dogs might drool more when they’re content or excited—for instance, when seeing their owner after a long day—it’s more directly related to their physical reactions to stimuli rather than an expression of their emotional state.

You should be concerned if the drooling is excessive and accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, reluctance to eat, coughing, or difficulty swallowing. These could be signs of medical issues requiring veterinary attention.

Yes, excessive drooling can be one of the symptoms of heatstroke, especially if accompanied by other signs such as heavy panting, lethargy, or an elevated body temperature. Immediate cooling and veterinary care are crucial in such cases.

There are drool bibs designed specifically for drooly dogs that can help manage the saliva and keep your dog’s chest and your home cleaner. Regular grooming and wipes can also be used to quickly clean up drool and prevent it from causing skin irritation.

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